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Application Note 024
Application note
Categories: Thermal desorption UNITY-xr Focusing traps Application note

Overcoming the ‘one-shot’ limitation of thermal desorption by the re-collection of desorbed samples

Application Note 024

Thermal desorption systems have historically had a significant drawback. This is the so-called ‘one-shot’ limitation – once a sample has been thermally desorbed (heated in a flow of carrier gas), no sample remains for repeat analysis.

In contrast, CS2 extracts from charcoal tubes can be injected many times, as long as they are kept refrigerated. In some cases, this has been a significant consideration, overriding the advantages of thermal desorption.

To address this, Markes’ thermal desorption systems have been designed to overcome the one-shot limitation by allowing quantitative re-collection of desorbed samples, as demonstrated in this application note.

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