Centri 180
Versatile platform for high-sensitivity routine analysis using headspace-, SPME-, TD and HiSorb-based workflows
Centri 180 is an automated platform for high-sensitivity analysis using headspace, SPME and SPME Arrow, tube-based thermal desorption and HiSorb high-capacity sorptive extraction, with additional chromatographic performance provided by trap-based preconcentration.
By allowing busy laboratories to adapt to changes in demand for different applications, Centri 180 builds on the capabilities of the Centri 90, and is available as an upgrade from Centri 90. Throughout, efficiency is maintained by unattended sequencing of all application modes.
Centri 180 can be used with a choice of carrier gases (helium, hydrogen and nitrogen) enabling greater flexibility of analysis and cost-saving.
Why use Centri 180?
Building on the functionality and advantages of Centri 90, Centri 180 offers:
- Increased sensitivity for HS, SPME and SPME Arrow thanks to its cryogen-free, backflushed focusing trap, to bring unrivalled productivity to your laboratory.
- Faster chromatographic speed and lower cost of ownership by adopting H2 carrier gas, now or in the future.
- Thermal desorption of sorbent-packed tubes, including direct thermal extraction, for VOCs and SVOCs in air and materials.
- Full compliance with industry-standard tubes and therefore, standard methods such as ISO 16000-6, VDA 278 and US EPA Method TO-17.
- HiSorb sorptive extraction for off-line sampling of VOC and SVOC in solids and liquids, and fully automated analysis of HiSorb probes.
Centri 180 features
- Headspace–trap – Versatile sampling from solids and liquids contained in regular headspace vials.
- SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap – Fast and sensitive sample extraction, with a range of fibre types offering analyte selectivity.
- Thermal desorption – Using industry-standard tubes to analyse VOCs and SVOCs in air, or released from materials.
- HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction – Robust probe-based immersive or headspace sampling from liquids and solids.
Who uses Centri 180?
- Laboratories interested in routine, high-sensitivity analyses of VOC and SVOC in solid, liquid and gaseous samples on a single GC–MS platform.
- Chemists dealing with large quantities of different sample types, in a fully automated fashion.
- Analysts seeking compliance with national and international standard methods.

Infographic downloads
To find out more about these techniques, download our four infographics:
- SPME & SPME–trap – Fast & sensitive sample extraction, with a range of fibre types offering analyte selectivity
- HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction – Robust, fully automated probe-based immersive or headspace sampling from liquids and solids.
- Headspace and Headspace–trap – Versatile sampling from solids and liquids contained in regular headspace vials.
- Thermal desorption – Using industry-standard tubes to analyse VOCs and SVOCs in air, or released from materials.
Key applications
Key applications include: • VOCs in air, soil and water samples • VOC/SVOCs in materials.