HiSorb sorptive extraction
High-capacity sorptive extraction for fully automated extraction and analysis
HiSorb is an innovative labour-saving sampling system for the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) in liquids and solids by TD–GC–MS. HiSorb can be used for headspace as well as immersive sampling.
- Detection limits are lower than for SPME because of the larger capacity of sorptive phase
- Easier and quicker to use than solvent extraction
- Re-usable probes and tubes minimise the cost per sample
- Robust and easy to use with multiple phases available
- Simple and elegant design when working with opaque or dirty liquids
Extending the capability of thermal desorption (TD), HiSorb probes and accessories are ideal for trace-level component characterisation, aroma profiling, quality control and advanced research across a wide range of applications. HiSorb is suitable for existing thermal desorption users wishing to extend their capabilities to extraction from liquids, as well as users of headspace, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) or liquid extraction wanting to enhance the characterisation of their samples or obtain complementary information.
HiSorb is fully automated by the Centri sampling and preconcentration platform, allowing unattended sample preparation and maximising productivity.
HiSorb did amazingly well with such a complex matrix. With its high capacity sorbents, we were able to monitor the degradation of nicotine in a very complex matrix down to a concentration of 1 ppm using conventional GC–MS.
Visit our online shop to buy HiSorb probes, available in four phase combinations:
PDMS Suitable for volatiles to non-polar semi-volatiles
PDMS/CWR Suitable for lower molecular weight compounds
PDMS/DVB Suitable for volatiles, amines and polar compounds
DVB/CWR/PDMS Suitable for volatiles, semi‑volatiles and flavour compounds