Going beyond the requirements of US EPA Method TO-15: Innovative cryogen-free ambient air monitoring of trace-level air toxics at high humidity
Application Note 133
With growing concerns over the harmful effects of long-term exposure to low levels of hazardous air pollutants (‘air toxics’), there is increasing demand for analytical laboratories to detect ever-lower levels of analyte concentrations in ambient air.
This application note describes the GC–MS analysis of trace-level ‘air toxics’ in humidified canister air, using Markes’ ground-breaking cryogen-free Dry-Focus3™ preconcentration technology.
We show that this system is able to detect 65 target compounds ranging from propene to naphthalene, with method detection limits as low as 0.7 pptv in SIM mode, making it compliant both with standard TO-15 methods, and with ‘trace TO-15’ methods stipulating lower detection limits.