The complementary roles of dynamic headspace and sorptive extraction in the analysis of fragranced consumer products using TD–GC–MS
Application Note 135
The success of many personal care and household cleaning products has long depended on the precise mix of aroma-active compounds that they release. For example, manufacturers are continuously developing new formulations that offer different (or longer-lasting) fragrances, while consumers loyal to a well-established brand can notice even the slightest variation in fragrance quality. In addition, there has been increasing concern over the presence of potentially harmful compounds – such as allergens – in fragrance formulations. These factors have led to an ongoing need to monitor the volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) released by fragranced consumer products.
This application note describes the analysis of three fragranced consumer products – fabric conditioner, washing detergent and washing powder – using three sampling approaches in conjunction with analysis by thermal desorption (TD)–GC–MS.