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Application Note 257
Application note
Categories: Centri – Sample extraction & enrichment platform SPME Application note

Improving the performance of SPME using trap-based preconcentration with enrichment

Application Note 257

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a solventless sampling technique that is easily automated and avoids the inconveniences of solvent-based methods such as liquid/liquid extraction.

However, using a standard GC injector for the fiber desorption requires careful optimisation, using a dedicated liner (<1 mm i.d.) in conjunction with a high gas flow, to obtain optimum chromatography. In MS systems where carrier gas flow is limited, an injector split flow is often used, but this reduces the quantity of analytes reaching the detector, and therefore the sensitivity of the technique.

In this application note we demonstrate how the performance of SPME can be enhanced by SPME–trap, whereby conventional SPME is powered by the unique trap-based focusing on the Centri® sample extraction and enrichment platform.

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