Extending air monitoring: Simultaneous analysis of ozone precursors, air toxics and carbonyls
Presented at the IWA Odour and VOC in Air Emissions Conference 2019
The poster entitled “Extending air monitoring: Simultaneous analysis of ozone precursors, air toxics and carbonyls” was presented by Markes International at the International Water Association Odour and VOC in Air Emissions Conference, which was held on 14–16 October 2019 in Hangzhou, China.
Analysis of 117 atmospheric pollutants
The Chinese Environmental Air Volatile Organic Compound Monitoring Program (EA-VOC-MP) proposes the single-run sampling and analysis of 117 volatile atmospheric pollutants, including TO-15 air toxics, PAMS ozone precursors and OVOCs.
On-line and off-line sampling of high-humidity airstreams
This poster describes how instrumentation from Markes International makes it possible to achieve this challenging goal, for the on-line and off-line sampling of high-humidity airstreams. We show that all the target species can be analysed with a cycle time under one hour, with the additional benefit of avoiding the inconvenience and expense of cryogen.