NuVo 200
Cryogen-free, automated canister and whole-air preconcentration system for monitoring of ODS & GHGs in urban and industrial areas
The NuVo 200 is an inert, multi-channel system for precise, automated monitoring of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in urban and industrial areas.
With capacity for up to 27 channels (canisters or bags), NuVo 200 is able to reach detection limits below background levels for key species, and offers unparalleled management of interferents such as H2O and CO2, ensuring confident and reliable reporting from ppm to sub-ppt method detection limits.
NuVo 200 can screen samples by introducing them via a gas sampling loop, operates completely without cryogen, and is also compatible with on-line sampling. It includes our Multi-Gas functionality as standard – independently certified for operation with helium, nitrogen or hydrogen carrier gases.