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From application notes to blogs, news items to infographics, we've got a wealth of advice about VOC and SVOC analysis that we'd like to share with you. Simply use the search function or use the drop-down selectors to filter by content type, sampling method and/or application area to discover more.

Examining flavour profiles of tea and coffee using automated sorptive extraction and advanced chemometric data-mining for GC–MS analysis – An approach for exploring food sample variability
Application Note 288

Sorptive Extraction Fundamentals and Applications: Extracting More with SPME and HiSorb
On-demand webinar

The science beneath your feet - untargeted approaches to volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from soil
Selecting a HiSorb™ phase type for your application
Targeting tumour-associated aldo-keto reductase activity with exogenous volatile organic compound (EVOC®) probes using high-capacity sorptive extraction (HiSorb™) and GC–MS to detect lung cancer
Presented at Pittcon 2023

Automated sample preparation speeds up off-flavour research in the aquaculture industry
Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI) at the University of Maine, partnered with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Flavour and fragrance discovery: Unique high-capacity sorptive extraction to find what you've been missing

Simple, non-invasive sampling of short-chain fatty acids in saliva as potential indicators of disease using HiSorb sorptive extraction
The Chemistry Lab for Analytical Technologies and Sensors, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Pisa, Italy

Enhanced analyte extraction with automated multi-phase high-capacity sorptive extraction (HiSorb™) for GC–MS
Presented at the 2nd Advances in Separation Science conference, Liege, 28–29 June 2023.

A taste of the future: What’s next for safety and quality testing in the food industry?
On-demand discussion forum. Listen to our experts in this discussion forum and learn about emerging trends in the food industry, research and development to ensure safety and quality.

Centri 180 (Base unit, ready for PAL3 integration)
Centri 180 sample preparation platform for thermal desorption, headspace–trap, SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap

Centri 180 (Base unit with robotics)
Centri 180 sample preparation platform for thermal desorption, headspace–trap, SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap

Volatile and semi-volatile compounds in flavoured hard seltzer beverages: Comparison of high-capacity sorptive extraction methods
Advances in Sample Preparation | Vol 3, June 2022

Trace-level analysis of odorants in drinking water using high-capacity sorptive extraction
Presented at SETAC 2022

Characterisation of pathogen-specific biomarkers in bacterial pneumonia using high-capacity sorptive extraction (HiSorb™) and automated chemometrics
Application Note 283

HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction phase evaluation for aroma and flavour profiling of honey
Application Note 279

Evaluating high-capacity sorptive extraction (HiSorb™) for VOCs as biomarkers related to respiratory and liver diseases in culture media
Owlstone Breath Biopsy Conference 2021

Headspace sampling using HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction for flavour profiling of foods and beverages
Application Note 280