Quantitative analysis of airborne semi-volatile flame retardants using sorbent tube sampling with TD–GC–MS
Application Note 140
Flame retardants (FRs) are widely applied to furnishings and electronic equipment to comply with regulations on flammability.
Three of the most important classes of FRs are polybrominated diphenyl ethers, organophosphates and ‘novel’ brominated FRs.
None of these FRs are chemically bound to the substrate, so they readily migrate into indoor air and dust, resulting in long-term exposure. This is of concern because many FRs are suspected of being harmful to humans.
This application note introduces the results of research into the performance of sorbent-tube sampling and Markes’ thermal desorption (TD) systems for the analysis of two classes of FRs of concern – polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organophosphates.