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From application notes to blogs, news items to infographics, we've got a wealth of advice about VOC and SVOC analysis that we'd like to share with you. Simply use the search function or use the drop-down selectors to filter by content type, sampling method and/or application area to discover more.

Centri 90 (Base unit ready for PAL3 integration)
Centri 90 sample preparation platform for headspace–trap, SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap

HSE Report – Diffusive sampler uptake rates
Uptake Rate Tests. Tests for a range of compounds onto four sorbent types over periods of 1 and 2 weeks. Download the full report

Advances in ultra-trace air toxics analysis: Cryogen-free canister pre-concentration and GC–MS for US EPA Method TO-15A
Application Note 169

How to optimise your PFAS air sampling method using thermal desorption
Webinar discussing the advantages that TD offers, how to optimise a system for targeted and untargeted PFAS analysis, and how to overcome challenges posed by low-level PFAS monitoring.

Automated thermal desorber doubles productivity, and increases data precision and accuracy in air studies
University of Leicester, UK

Indoor Air Quality – The science and regulations behind the headlines
Addressing the wide range of regulatory and market pressures placed on manufacturers to limit the chemical emissions from products and materials. This webinar highlights using TD–GC–MS to characterise the chemicals that affect indoor air quality. It highlights the importance of robust sample preparation, sampling and analytical procedures.

Panel discussion – Should I move from helium to hydrogen carrier gas?
22 November 2022

How diffusion-locking technology cracked the problem of high-capacity thermal desorption automation
11 November 2022

Target and non-target approaches for quality and safety testing of foods and beverages
Learn how to overcome common problems associated with sampling volatiles from foods and beverages and explain how the sensitivity can be improved using trap-enabled, extraction and enrichment methods.

Assessing low-temperature thermal treatment techniques for PFAS using TD–GC–MS analysis
This on-demand webinar delves into the analysis PFAS – the “forever chemicals” that are known pose an ever-increasing risk in the environment – using automated TD–GC–MS

Measuring PFAS pollution in ambient air using TD–GC–MS/MS
Application Note 166

Analysis of volatile organic pollutants in water using headspace–trap GC–MS: Maximizing performance for ppt-level VOCs
LCGC: The Column, September 2022

Optimised hydrogen fuel impurity analysis: identification, measurement and characterisation of volatile organic compounds by TD–GC–MS/SCD
Application Note 165

Helium Shortage 4.0: Is hydrogen carrier gas the solution to the GC–MS problem?
In this on-demand presentation and discussion forum, our panel of experts talk about the pros and cons of using hydrogen as an alternative carrier gas and address audience questions.

Faster and efficient test chambers for fragrance analysis

Understanding and identifying hydrogen fuel impurities
On-demand webinar from LCGC presented by Markes International

PFAS thermal desorption sorbent tubes
Product information for Markes' PFAS thermal desorption sorbent sampling tubes. Download here.

Volatile and semi-volatile compounds in flavoured hard seltzer beverages: Comparison of high-capacity sorptive extraction methods
Advances in Sample Preparation | Vol 3, June 2022