Unattended PAMS monitoring of ultra-volatiles using helium‑free automated TD–GC with water removal
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), USA
Unattended PAMS monitoring of ultra-volatiles using helium‑free automated TD–GC with water removal
On-line monitoring of ozone precursors and other ultra-volatiles helps in understanding the formation of low-level ozone, and in the USA is carried out at over 40 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS).
In this case-study, we talk to Pete Furdyna at NYSDEC about his experience using Markes’ automated TD–GC equipment to meet the stringent requirements of the ‘re-engineered’ PAMS stipulations. We focus on the equipment’s outstanding performance across the analyte range, and how it removes airborne moisture to enable ultra-volatiles and polar species to be monitored – all without cryogen.
- Customer: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
- Application: On-line, unattended, hourly monitoring of ultra-volatiles in urban air under the re-engineered PAMS scheme
- Challenge: Selectively and efficiently removing ambient moisture and so improving the ability to monitor ultra-volatiles and polar species
- Solution: CIA Advantage-xr (‘Trace’ model) with UNITY-xr and Kori-xr
- Results: Excellent peak shape for acetylene to undecane, with 100% data coverage for the PAMS monitoring season