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From application notes to blogs, news items to infographics, we've got a wealth of advice about VOC and SVOC analysis that we'd like to share with you. Simply use the search function or use the drop-down selectors to filter by content type, sampling method and/or application area to discover more.

What are the best sampling techniques for the analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in air using thermal desorption?
Presented at CEM India - Sampling techniques, 2024

Measuring PFAS pollution in ambient air using TD–GC–MS/MS
Application Note 166

PFAS in Air: Sampling and analytical techniques for the identification of persistent contaminants and new method updates
National Environmental Monitoring Conference 2021

Identification of impurities in hydrogen fuel supplies using Multi-Gas on-line TD–GC–MS systems
Application Note 160

Advantages of using tube-based thermal desorption for monitoring chemical warfare agents at ultra-trace levels
Application Note 157

Untargeted screening of volatile per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) released during the application of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)
Application Note 153

How to take a sample with the ACTI-VOC PLUS fast flow pump
How to take a sample with the ACTI-VOC low-flow pump
Analytical strategies for monitoring volatile impurities in hydrogen fuel supply chains using thermal desorption
Pittcon 2021

US EPA uses TD–GC–MS for vital research into PFAS management
23 February 2021

New car smell: What’s in the air?
The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon) 2020

Allows simple and rapid ‘grab-sampling’ of precise volumes of air/gas directly onto sorbent tubes, with no requirement for batteries or electrical power.

A lightweight and simple-to-use device designed for non-invasive biological exposure monitoring of VOCs.

A robust fast-flow pump kit for sampling VOCs onto multi-bed sorbent tubes for analysis by thermal desorption.

A robust low-flow pump for sampling vapour-phase VOCs onto sorbent tubes for subsequent analysis by thermal desorption.

The use of TD for analysing stationary source emissions in accordance with CEN/TS 13649
Air Quality & Emissions (AQE) conference, November 2018

Fast-flow pump kit for sampling VOCs and SVOCs onto sorbent tubes

Low-flow pump kit for sampling VOCs onto sorbent tubes