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From application notes to blogs, news items to infographics, we've got a wealth of advice about VOC and SVOC analysis that we'd like to share with you. Simply use the search function or use the drop-down selectors to filter by content type, sampling method and/or application area to discover more.

Re-collect 10
Easy-to-use replicate generation for sorbent‑tube samples

Re-collect 10
Re-collect 10 enables reliable generation of up to ten replicates from a single sample and enhances workflow efficiency.

Eliminating lab dependency on helium as a carrier gas for TD–GC–MS
Presented at Pittcon 2023

Extending established chemical warfare agent monitoring methods to emerging priority compounds using TD–GC–MS
Presented at International workshop on the analysis of chemical warfare agents to mark the 50th anniversary of VERIFIN, November 2023

Measurement of PFAS in indoor air and investigation of source materials
Application Note 167

Why are Markes’ thermal desorption sorbent tubes better than those from other suppliers?
11 April 2023

How long do sorbent tubes for thermal desorption last?
21 March 2023

Centri 180 (Base unit, ready for PAL3 integration)
Centri 180 sample preparation platform for thermal desorption, headspace–trap, SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap

Centri 180 (Base unit with robotics)
Centri 180 sample preparation platform for thermal desorption, headspace–trap, SPME–trap and SPME Arrow–trap

HSE Report – Diffusive sampler uptake rates
Uptake Rate Tests. Tests for a range of compounds onto four sorbent types over periods of 1 and 2 weeks. Download the full report

How diffusion-locking technology cracked the problem of high-capacity thermal desorption automation
11 November 2022

Analysis of trace per- and polyfluorinated organic vapours in air using cryogen-free thermal desorption and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Application Note 158

Sample extraction with Centri® – the customer viewpoint
20 September 2021

Has the helium bubble burst? Deliver more by using hydrogen carrier gas in thermal desorption–GC(MS) workflows
Identifying microplastic and nanoplastic pollutants in the environment
British Measurement and Testing Association Newsletter, Summer 2020

Using hydrogen carrier gas to enhance TD–GC–MS methods for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in air: an illustration with polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Application Note 156

TD–GC–MS analysis of VOCs in air using hydrogen carrier gas
Application Note 155

How thermal desorption gives research and industry the edge when analysing emerging organic contaminants
Pittcon 2021